Well, I bailed on Su.pr fairly quickly. It simply would not work, and I don’t have a high degree of tolerance for things that are not well documented. Don’t get me wrong I have no beef with StumbleUpon – they are a great site. I just think the Su.pr service requires better documentation. That’s all.
That had be head to the plugin directory at the WordPress site. Didn’t take long to find something that seems like it will do the job for me: Twitter Tools.
While the plugin can do cross polination (meaning Tweets go to the Blog, and Blog posts go to Twitter), for my needs I really only want a one way trail. The way I have things now my Tweets already go to Facebook (again see social links on the top right of the blog). This means that when the plugin posts to Twitter, I’ll also get that reflected on Facebook. For me that works.
It also has some other features: Daily and Weeky Digests. I’ve went with Weekly. I simply don’t feel that I’m a prolific enough Tweeter to need a Daily Digest, but that a Weekly one makes sense. I’ve set it to post at 6pm every Friday night when Shabbat starts. This works for me because normally I don’t Tweet or post on Facebook during Shabbat since this marks the end of my week.
The final feature I turned on is the visible one with the widget on the right hand side. It needs some CSS work still, but it’s ok for now. I have it showing my last 3 tweets. I’m not entirely clear how often this updates – I’ll have to keep an eye out.