Tomorrow I’m going to do something that I’ve never done before, and it sounds like a ton of crazy fun. I’m going to go cheer on some friends who are running in the Disney Half Marathon: Katie (kidanikatie) and Ed (superedo). It’s always nice to have a new Disney experience after close to 40 years of Disney in my life. As such I signed up to be a part of the Disney Marathon ChEAR Squad. This comes with a simple swag bag that I picked up last night at the Milk House at Disney’s Wide World of Sports. And I just wanted to present for you a few shots I took of the swag.
But before I do, a little motivational announcement for Ed & Katie. They’ve already seen this last night on Twitter, but here’s the shot of the message Cheryl and I wrote for them on the Marathon sign in board last night:

And now on to the swag…

Just in case you missed the fob in your pack, it’s the piece that pops out of the seat cushion that has a hole in it. Just thread the little chain found in your swag bag through the hole and viola a keychain fob is all yours.

Note: iPhone barely fits into the carrier pouch inside, certainly not good positioning for the headphones. Made for a smaller device like a nano.
Blog Post: Unboxing: Disney Marathon ChEAR Squad Swag Bag…